Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Friday, August 3, 2007

Last Wednesday, I did not go to study World Civil in the morning because I woke up late so, I came to University at 9:30 a.m. to study Economic. This class finished at 11:00 o'clock. My instructor’s name is Muttita, She told me what i got for my midterm’s result. I got 17 out off 70, it’s a bad thing that I never want to know, I was so sad for this result. However, my friends pacified me. At lunch, my friends and I went to Tonglor soi 13, we ate Ramen together. I ordered Yamazaki which consists with sliced pork, egg, seaweed, and egg noodle. I think noodle in this restaurant is more delicious than other restaurants that I have had. We finished eating around 14:00 p.m. then, we went to eat ice-cream at Iberry. We spent most of the time after lunch sitting at this shop. I ordered chocolate ice-cream and one of brownie piece. We talked together about 2 hours. I did not go back home on that day because I had homework which was due on Friday. I went to byte's home on 19:00 p.m. We tried to do our homework very hard but, at last we could do it just for an hour then we decided to get enough on this work. We chose to drink some alcohol instead. However, we did not get drunk because we had class on Thursday morning. We finished drinking around mid-night then we played computer game for while. The game that we have played called “The age of Empire", it's relevant to The Rome's expansion their territory. After that I took a bath then went to bed at 2 o'clock because, I was so sleepy.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Today, I have one class. It's English I. My instructor's name is Jesper. He gave us some homework that we have to write a diary around 500 words a week. After class, my friends and I went to Espanade to watch the movie and have lunch. We ate vietnam's food which are called Shaigon Restaurant. We ordered 6 dishes of foods thus, it costed us around 1,200 bath. Then, we watched a movie. The movie called "Tud-Su-Fud", it's a comedy movie that about the Gay's gangaster who tried to combine all the gangs in that area together. After the movie, we entered into the Game station, we played the car crash racing game. It is the game that we always play when we go to Espanade. Then, I had to go back home because, I had to have dinner with my family at Sathorn road. It is a Thai food restaurant which named “Secret Garden", it's very delicious. When I got home, I did some part of English I's homework. Now, I am trying to finish this homework because it's so late for me to go to bed. After I finished, I will find something to eat then go to have a bath. I think I will go to bed around 1 o-clock after I finished all things that I have to do for today.